Colours and sun protection
OPHTHALMICA offers a very wide range of colours: standard colours, contrast-enhancing colours and various trendy graduated tints and fashion colours - on request also with mirrors.
The OPHTHALMICA sun protection lenses not only provide 100% UV protection, but are also available in many levels of absorption and graduated tints. Manufactured in premium quality "Made in Germany". All organic lenses in the indices 1.5 and 1.6 can also be ordered with our mirror coating (Astroflash) in the colours red, green, blue, gold and silver.
Filter colours / contrast colours
Filter colours
Filter colours usually have a slight tint of 8% - 20% and are therefore well suited for wearing them all-day. These filters soften glaring light and increase the contrast enhancing vision.
Contrast-enhancing colours – at various absorption levels
Contrast-enhancing colours such as FUN 70, ROAD 80 and SPORT 90 allow the wearer to enjoy the outdoors (nature and doing sport) with a contrast enhancing vision. The colours can be combined with our wide range of tints in absorption levels of 50% - 90% and thus are ideal colours for sun and sports lenses.
Sport Sun lenses
Thanks to contrast-enhancing colours, sportspeople can achieve better levels of performance in their chosen sport. Popular applications include sunglasses for golf or cycling.

Sun protection
100% UVA and UVB protection
All OPHTHALMICA sun protection lenses protect the eyes 100% from UVA and UVB rays. They offer therefore the optimal solution for a comfortable visual experience in leisure and sport.
As part of its sun protection lens range, OPHTHALMICA also offers a wide selection of polarization lenses and Drivewear® for perfect visual comfort.

Sun protection - also for mineral lenses
The excellent imaging properties of mineral lenses together with a high resistance to scratches and higher temperatures make mineral lenses a real alternative for sun protection lenses!
OPHTHALMICA offers a wide range of mineral sun protection lenses in indices 1.5 and 1.6 as well as in Phototropic brown and grey.
Fashion colours
You feel like something bold or colourful?
Rose, chocolate brown, burgundy red, reddish brown, pink ... Send us your favourite sample colour and our Colour Studio realizes every request with its many years of expertise.
All colours and the UVA / UVB sun protection are available on all OPHTHALMICA prescription lenses for single-vision, freeform progressive lenses, progressive lenses and bifocal lenses, but also on plano lenses.

Mirror / Mirror Polarisation

Colourful lenses - individual mini-series
You feel like something bold or colourful?
On request, OPHTHALMICA can also tint very colourful spectacle lenses. Our colouring experts bring a wealth of experience: red, blue, yellow, pink? No problem!
For special requests, please call our technical lens consultancy team - our passion for tricky and technically demanding solutions is "contagious"!