Special lenses
Optometrists and Eye care professionals looking for custom-made and special lenses will find the right solution and tailored service at the OPHTHALMICA lenses factory.
The wide choice with even rare "exotics" have already delighted many lens technology enthusiasts and let customers recover a fair amount of their impaired vision.
For special requests, please call our technical consultant team - our passion for tricky and technically demanding solutions is "contagious"!
Bifocal FT 35 / FT 45 / Trifocal lenses
Wearers who prefer large near-vision fields can sometimes feel limited with the standard bifocal lenses. In this situation, OPHTHALMICAs bifocal lenses with larger near vision areas offer the best solution.
The Bifokal FT 35 and FT 45 are ideal for craftsmen and electricians as well self-made handymen who need a larger vision for detailed work in the near zones. All lenses are of course available with hard coat and four different AR anti-reflective coatings.
OPHTHALMICA's Trifocal lens in 1.5 (also in mineral) completes the varied lens program.
- Larger near vision allows for more comfortable zones than conventional bifocal lenses
- Individual technical lens consultation
- Large selection of colours and coatings
- High prisms and cylinders available
- Variable optical centers (e.g. 65/75 mm instead of 65/72 mm)
Bifocal - Round R24
If your customers struggle with progressive lenses, the - admittedly - rarer, but still popular with eyeglass wearers, R24 can be the right solution. The R24 can also be used as a sun protection lens. OPHTHALMICA offers a wide range of colours (both full colours and filter colours).
The advantage of the R24 sun protection lens is the nearly invisible near vision edge. The experienced, older opticians know the R24 still under the name BONOVISTA.
- Good solution for customers who struggle with progressive lenses, tilting near vision zone possible
- Invisible near vision edge at sun protection lenses
- Precise manufacturing work - Made in Germany
- Large selection of colours and coatings
Lenticular lenses
In cases of high hyperopia or severe myopia, it may be beneficial to recommend lenticular lenses to the client.
OPHTHALMICA makes it possible to produce the lenses with a lower weight and a more aesthetic appearance. Technologically demanding, the dioptric effect is applied in several grinding operations in the central part of the lens blank, while the outer part of the lenticular lens acts as a supporting part. The lenticular lenses are available in various indices in wide power ranges, both blended and unblended with optically effective areas with variable diameters.
Also available in the Mineral Indices 1.5 - 1.9. The different types A, B and C are available according to the aesthetic requirements of the customer and depending on the optical effects.
- Significant weight reduction with thinner, more aesthetic lenses
- Individual technical lens consultation
- Large selection of colours and coatings
- High prisms and cylinders available
- Precise manufacturing work - Made in Germany
Lenti-Star / Lenti Aspheric
In cases of high hyperopia or aphake eyes, it is often recommended to offer Plus lenticular lenses for the customer.
OPHTHALMICA makes it possible to produce the lenses with a lower weight and a more aesthetically look. Technologically demanding, the dioptric effect is applied in several grinding operations in the central part of the lens blank, while the outer part of the lenticular lens acts as a supporting part.
Also available as Bifocal. Individual magnifications (4x-6x) are also possible. Please call for our technical glass consultants.
- Application range from +8.0 to +30 dpt.
- Individual technical glass consultation
- Available with colours / filters / gradient colours
- Precise manufacturing work - Made in Germany
Executive / Franklin lenses
Eyeglass wearers with special visual requirements and patients facing treatment of accommodative cross-eye symptoms often require individual near-vision segments, additions or special prisms.
Technologically, the executive is made out of one single lens with a clearly separated, straight, and often touchable separating edge. The advantage of the lens is that the far and near vision zones and additions can be designed individually.
Franklin lenses, on the other hand, usually consist of two "glued" lens halves. Again, different prescriptions for the near and far vision zones in one lens can be considered Even a Franklin Trifocal with 3 segments can be individually designed.
Available in organic and mineral, Franklin lenses offer different prisms, base positions, near and far axial positions, and higher additions.
- Individual near-vision zones enable precisely matched vision areas for the wearer. Well suited for artisans, mechanics, (children with cross-eye therapies) / for convergence support in near vision areas
- Prisms can be designed differently in the distance and near zones
- High prisms and cylinders available
Overlaid lenses
Overlaid lenses consist of a mineral base lens and a glued cover lens. The cover lens can be of different colours, have phototropic effects (PGX, PBX) or possess protective properties (X-Ray).
In the case of high optical powers, different colour effects between the rim and the center of the lens are thus avoided compared to mass-tinted spectacle lenses.
In the progressive lens version, the progression surface is amended on the cover lens.
Overlaid lenses are available in the mineral indices 1.5 - 1.9 and in the organic index 1.5 - always with a scratch-resistant super-antireflection coating.
Please note: Overlaid lenses always have a slightly larger thickness.
- Well applicable for strong myope customers
- Good robustness and surface hardness with uniform colour effects across the entire lens
- Suitable for activities and professions under severe environment and weather conditions (temperatures, dust)
Plankonvex / Plankonkav (diving lenses)
Plano convexes and plano-concave lenses are high-refraction special lenses, which generally can be used for glueing in diving goggles. Divers can thus correct the power of their lenses.
These are available in CR39 1.5, in mineral indices 1.5 - 1.9, as well as mineral Bifo FT 28.
Bi-concave and bi-convex lenses are also available on request.
Aniseikonia describes an impaired vision effect in which images of different sizes appear on the retina. These cause the so-called double images or blurry effects.
To reduce these double images and for a more comfortable vision aniseikonic lenses can be used. These special lenses use the auto-magnification of a spectacle lens.
By adjusting the lens thickness and curvature of the lens front side, the self-magnification can be adjusted without changing the refractive power of the lens. Thus, the smaller retinal image can be enlarged.
For organic lenses, special filter colours are also available.
- Good alternative for patients who do not tolerate contact lenses
- Max. auto-magnification 8% depending on the optical effect
- Available in organic and mineral material
Protective and contrast glasses
The X-Ray filter protection lens offers the best protection against X-rays thanks to a high lead substrate addition. The index is 1.76 with an Abbe value of 30 and a density of 4.80.
The main application areas for these lenses are hospitals, X-ray centers, special industrial companies and research laboratories.
Near vision lenses and magnifying glasses
If customers would to see the details of their work magnified more clearly (jewellers, dentists, precision mechanics), these near-vision lenses are the best solution.
With wide power ranges up to 50 dpt., these lenses allow up to 12x magnification of the objects.
- Individual design of the lens diameter allows for a flexible design of the near vision lens
- Min. diameter of the central lens 18 mm, max. diameter 40mm possible
- Can also be produced with convergence-assisting prisms (on the back)
- Precise manufacturing work - Made in Germany
If both eyes possess a different far-vision refraction, uncomfortable double images at close range (anisometropia) may occur due to high differences in power. By means of a prism - a so-called height-balancing prism - "slab-off" cut - the different prismatic effects in the near vision can be compensated.
The height compensation prism (from 1.5cm / m) is applied to the types of lenses Bifo / Trifo and progressives, both in organic and in mineral. The position of the visible slab-off edge on the bifos and trifos is on the near-vision edge, and on progressive lenses as a standard at half the progressive channel length.
A deviation of the edge position is possible - please talk to our technical consultants.
All lenses are also available with UV protection / special filters.